Errors in Measurement

Errors in Measurement

1)Instrumental Errors

These errors may be Occure due to wrong construction, calibration of the measuring instruments. These types of error may be arises due to friction ormay be due to hysteresis


poor maintaince,faults in construction,friction wear,assembly error.

2)Environmental Errors:

This type of error arises due to external natural condition effect on the instrument.





magnetic field

Remedial action:

Maintain the natural quantity constant .all measurement should be taken in the well laboratory.

3)Observational Errors

these types of error caused due to observers observation


Parallax error

wrong conversion of unit

wrong scale reading

personal bias to take higher or lower reading.


Due to simplification of the model system or approximations in the equations describing it.

5)Operational error

these are the errors occur due to poor techniques of the operational process

these are due to wrong places of the parts in odd situated without dipping in liquid.

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