Types of mechanical instruments

Types of mechanical instruments
1)Active and passive instrument.
The instrument which require external power for manipulation and measurement is generally known as a active instrument.eg.potentiometer.
The instrument which does not require external power for manipulation and measurement is generally known as a Passive instrument.
eg. Liquid level measurement using fload and gear arrangement
2)Analog and digital instrument:
The analog instrument in which the output can have an infinite number of values within the range that the instrument is designed to measure.eg.voltmeter
The analog instrument in which the output can have an finite number of values within the range that the instrument is designed to measure.eg.electronic speedmeter
3)Null type and deflection type instruments:
In the deflection type instrument quantity being measure displayed in terms of the amount of Pointers deflection Eg.pressure gauge.
In null type instrument measurement is done on the basis of the pointer at the null position with a fixed standard quantity.balance panal.
4)Manual operated and automaticoperated:
Manual operated instrument require the service of operator
eg:null type thermometer potentiometer

automatic instrument does not require the operated they are self operated
eg:mercury thermometer

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